The Immorality of Politics (and vice-versa)
Hi there! The spleen is a little understood and much feared organ residing inside of most people. The fear and occasional loathing it inspires is largely due to its periodic venting, which can be quite messy. Had lunch already? Good, now we can get started. What a crock! Here we've got the wealthiest country in the world, a pretty decent constitution (at least on the surface, but more on that later) and no natural enemies (ditto on the later thing...) If we didn't have our metaphorical heads rammed so far up our very real, lard-marbled arses, do you, gentle reader, know what we could do? Any guesses? Ever hear the phrase "leader of the free world"?
The most shocking truth of all that you might read here and in the many other similar blogs written by perfectly ordinary people is that instead of systematically building the perfect dystopian nightmare, we could be making heaven, right here on earth, right now. We have the technology, we have the capability to fix the awful ecological degradation we've inflicted on the earth, to clean up every single mess we've made and turn this planet back into Eden. And we could give every citizen of the world meaningful, well-paying employment in the process. Buckminster Fuller, a true visionary and practical scientist as well described such a process as simply changing our economic and political focus from weaponry to livingry. Among Fuller's many innovations was a new geometry, a new way of thinking about space. One of the great practical applications was a new type of housing that weighed from 1/100th to 1/1000th of a conventional home (so that it could be shipped anywhere in the world) and yet was stronger and much more aesthetically pleasing than the square boxes in which we all live. He pointed to the positive, charged atmosphere of the Epcot Center in Florida as an example of what industry could do if it just changed its mission to one of sustaining and venerating life.
The Philological Library in Berlin
Project Eden in Cornwall
Okay, so why haven't we done this, why haven't we shifted our focus toward the affirmation of life and away from the race toward death and destruction? I'll give you a clue: it's not because the people of the earth don't want to, can't live in peace with one another (as we've so often been told) etc. It's because we aren't allowed to. That's right, we could have heaven on earth, but the powers that be, whether because they're afraid they'll lose control of the world, or because they're just sick bastards who prefer to be the only ones living in the lap of luxury (maybe they feel that sick, hopeless humanity mired in its filth and poverty provides a nice contrast for their gorgeous lifestyles) will not let it happen. Oh, they'll say it's because there isn't enough money in the world, or because there's too much conflict and strife...That is a lie, a cruel perversion.
Wars are never, ever started by the people who die in them. Look up Smedley Butler's famous War is a Racket piece. In it, he lays out the essential, ugly truth of the reasons we have wars. Money. Mind-boggling, inconceivable profits. It doesn't even matter if your country loses if you're a titan of industry--after the war you'll quietly set up shop again with no losses whatsoever (see I.G. Farben, Siemens, Krupp, etc, etc. in postwar Germany.) In fact, if you really look into this business of war profits, you'll find something even more disgusting: the same companies provide the materiel and financing for both sides. Roosevelt was so angry about it when he discovered the treasonous actions of Prescott Bush and his friends that he suspended (some) of their operations and only stopped short of prosecuting the fat-cat's perfidy out of fear of creating panic and lowering morale among the troops. What about political conflicts and ethnic tensions as the causes of war, you might ask? Let's check with an authority on the subject:
"Of course the people don´t want war ...
But after all it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship...
Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger."
Hermann Goering, Nazi leader, at the Nuremberg Trials after World War II
Okay, what about the money to build heaven on earth--where's that going to come from, you might ask? "Where does it come from now?" I'd ask in reply.
Do you think "the markets" is some organic structure that represents actual wealth or production? Or that the banking system was put on earth by someone's God? It's a fiction, too. Absolutely, 100% arbitrary. If we wanted to, we could set up a system with a regulated, logical relationship between capital outflow, production of goods and services (which could include anything of intrinsic value, from replanting a hillside devastated by clear-cutting to working with the many damaged people suffering through life in this hellhole we've made on earth) and infrastructure needs. In a heartbeat we could set up such a system. Think of the change in people's attitudes if everyone loved their jobs, not just the ones with the corner office and the stock options.
Now, here's the rub--you knew it was too good to be true, right? We could change the world in the way I've mentioned here, but we'd have to change our governments to do it. Especially in the United States, where the concentration of the greatest wealth in the fewest hands is worse than anywhere else on earth. The income disparity in the US also points to a disparity in political power. Everyone knows the old adages: power is money, power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. In order to change the system, we'd have to make such major reforms that, while certainly doable, it would be paramount to organizing another constitutional convention. There were things that our founders never anticipated. Avarice and greed they were familiar with, but the kind of sick and perverted "democracy" we have now would make them run for the colonial privy to retch their guts out in disgust. The biggest enemy of democracy is secrecy.
Government by secrecy is taxation without representation. We started the War for Independence over precisely this issue. In our founder's time, a despotic, arrogant king (George, for you coincidentalists out there) and a disdainful parliament presumed to take taxes from us without giving us input or oversight in the management of government. Guess what? It's happened again.
But that's impossible, you say, we have elected officials who safeguard our freedoms while working within the framework of the constitution...what have you been smoking this morning? Safeguarding your freedoms?! Wait, I've got a better one: "...spreading democracy in the world..." Boy that one gets a lot of mileage! Ever heard it?
Of course you have (we're also very good at marketing phrases, provided they're devoid of meaning and/or only intended to move merchandise.) So, how come we don't mean it when we, as a nation, "say" something? Because "we as a nation" do not exist. It's a fiction. It's a well-known marketing fact (is there any other kind that matters any more?) that if you repeat something often enough, it's as good as true. Peeling the rubbery scales off of an oft-quoted phrase to reveal its scabrous underbelly is not as easy (or appetizing) as it sounds.
On the surface of things we have this "great country" bringing "democracy" to the world, right? Bullshit. The reality is that democracy is the very last thing we want, around the world and especially at home. Just look at our track record. In Iran, Guatemala, Chile, Nicaragua...the list goes on and on...we brought down democratically elected governments through assassination, kidnapping and torture and then installed repressive, right-wing dictatorships which we could then control. Anyone remember Patrice Lamumba? He was the Gandhi of the Congo, so we killed him, too.
Is anyone buying this Clash of Civilizations crap out there? How about the cartoon controversy? Did you also hear that the same right-wing Danish newspaper refused to publish a cartoon of Christ with fire-crackers in his crown of thorns standing in front of an abortion clinic because "the community might find it offensive"? Which community, you self-righteous bastard? Freedom of speech my digestive tract! So, just when you thought we had entered a modern era of diplomacy and democracy, we're back in the Dark Ages, off on another crusade.
It doesn't have to be this way. This sign held by
an Israeli Arab says, "We are all brothers, we will
not lose our lives in peace."
So why is this crisis being foisted upon us? Orwell, that brilliant, bitter oracle for our time laid down the roadmap to tyranny in the modern world. In order to control the population and crush any political opposition, you need to have a perpetual state of war. Think I'm just reading all this stuff into our current state of affairs? These bastards are so brazen they're even using Orwell's phraseology, or very near equivalents. Perpetual War is now The Long War. The Ministry of Truth is the Office of Strategic Information. Big Brother watching over you is Total Information Awareness, the agency that was so bold as to use the eye-in-the-pyramid symbol of secret societies everywhere as its logo.
Now, it's true that the modern office of Big Brother was "shut down" in 2003, mostly due to public outcry at the creepy logo (we don't have time/interest/intelligence to read words, but boy oh boy we know our logos!) However, surprise, surprise, it turns out that the people who set up TIA, Poindexter and Negroponte, the advocates for democracy who were convicted of lying to Congress in the Iran/Contra Hearings, pardoned by Poppy Bush (yes, the flower) and reinstalled in high office by Junior, just moved it underground with the rest of the secret apparatus of our real government.
And this is the reason that politics in America is a crock. What is the point of voting for the candidate of your choice when the CIA, or any of the 15-20 known clandestine organizations is just going to do whatever their bosses, whovever the hell they might be, tell them? It's secrecy and money which have turned this country into a despotic, empty-headed empire. I'll slow down a little to let this sink in: if things are done in secret, there's no oversight. Without oversight by elected representatives, it's not democracy. At present, even if there were oversight, it would be by professional prostitutes, not representatives of constituencies. In slow time: under the current "system," you can't get elected without big money from corporations. Therefore, if elected, you promptly spend your time whoring around for more money for your reelection, answering the demands of your paymasters and pretending to engage in the current political "debate" on behalf of your constituents.
There are a very few ethical politicians (Russ Feingold, the only one to fight the most un-American legislation ever passed, the Patriot Act, Cynthia McKinney, the only brave soul to question the farce that was 9/11 and who paid for it by being so viciously attacked by very big money groups that she lost a subsequent election, although, surprisingly enough, won her seat back again. One could add Representatives Waxman and Conyers, but they are effectively kept in the basement, so to speak, and then there's Ron Paul, but after that they're all pretty much whores, plain and simple.)
Now, it could be that if we were to somehow enact publicly financed campaigns, that is no money accepted from any donors, we might be able to have some semblance of representative government, but there would still be a few hurdles. (Publicly financed campaign laws, or "clean election" laws, as they are known, have been enacted in Maine, Vermont, Arizona, Massachusetts, New Mexico, and North Carolina to great effect, but also at great cost. Paul Wellstone was murdered shortly after introducing similar legislation in the Senate. He is sorely missed.) The monied interests will not let this kind of reform take root and, even if it were to, they have other tricks up their tentacle sleeves. Let's look at Diebold for a moment. They promised to deliver Bush the State of Ohio in 2004 and they kept their word. No paper trail, no investigation, not even from Kerry, Bush's erstwhile "opponent."
No, the only way to really force the bums out would be to demand disclosure of all our covert operations, well, since 1945 at least, and then start Truth and Reconciliation work, just like in South Africa and Chile. It's the only way to truly change--by first acknowledging our past. More on that next time. Remember, we are capable of much more than they keep telling us...
(I'm writing this piecemeal by attaching edits to a single existing post, since I haven't figured out how to post in chronological order here at Blogger, so keep looking "under" what you've already read, if anyone other than my good and loyal nephew is actually following these external introspections, for recent "posts".)
Okay, just a few more words about secrecy and then it's off to some more interesting stuff. If you were to look back at our history with anything approaching an open mind, you'd soon see that it's pretty vile. To be fair, most of all history is the story of people being obscenely unkind toward one another, it's just especially galling that we in the States have been brainwashed into believing that we were somehow different, that our "little experiment called democracy" sets us apart from the other murderous bastards. Dr. Goebbels knew differently, and so would you if you'd just stop and think about it for a moment. In what country was it said, "The only good injun is a dead one"? (Our genocide claimed 12,000,000 lives--how big was yours?) Where was it not a crime to kill, torture or rape a black person because they were property and therefore not really human? In what proud nation could you find signs (in all regions of the country, in the 20th century) which read, "No micks, colored or mexican need apply"? In the 1930's there were "sunset" laws in the North as well as the South which made it illegal for african-americans to remain within the city limits after dark. Jews were not admitted to many clubs and associations, and still aren't where their "betters" can get away with it. Final word on our proud heritage: pick up any high school history book and compare it side-by-side with Howard Zinn's A People's History of the United States. One of them is propaganda.
Still, our ideals are laudable; we just haven't been able to get beyond our bias and hatred enough to actually implement them.
The most shocking truth of all that you might read here and in the many other similar blogs written by perfectly ordinary people is that instead of systematically building the perfect dystopian nightmare, we could be making heaven, right here on earth, right now. We have the technology, we have the capability to fix the awful ecological degradation we've inflicted on the earth, to clean up every single mess we've made and turn this planet back into Eden. And we could give every citizen of the world meaningful, well-paying employment in the process. Buckminster Fuller, a true visionary and practical scientist as well described such a process as simply changing our economic and political focus from weaponry to livingry. Among Fuller's many innovations was a new geometry, a new way of thinking about space. One of the great practical applications was a new type of housing that weighed from 1/100th to 1/1000th of a conventional home (so that it could be shipped anywhere in the world) and yet was stronger and much more aesthetically pleasing than the square boxes in which we all live. He pointed to the positive, charged atmosphere of the Epcot Center in Florida as an example of what industry could do if it just changed its mission to one of sustaining and venerating life.
The Philological Library in Berlin
Project Eden in Cornwall
Okay, so why haven't we done this, why haven't we shifted our focus toward the affirmation of life and away from the race toward death and destruction? I'll give you a clue: it's not because the people of the earth don't want to, can't live in peace with one another (as we've so often been told) etc. It's because we aren't allowed to. That's right, we could have heaven on earth, but the powers that be, whether because they're afraid they'll lose control of the world, or because they're just sick bastards who prefer to be the only ones living in the lap of luxury (maybe they feel that sick, hopeless humanity mired in its filth and poverty provides a nice contrast for their gorgeous lifestyles) will not let it happen. Oh, they'll say it's because there isn't enough money in the world, or because there's too much conflict and strife...That is a lie, a cruel perversion.
Wars are never, ever started by the people who die in them. Look up Smedley Butler's famous War is a Racket piece. In it, he lays out the essential, ugly truth of the reasons we have wars. Money. Mind-boggling, inconceivable profits. It doesn't even matter if your country loses if you're a titan of industry--after the war you'll quietly set up shop again with no losses whatsoever (see I.G. Farben, Siemens, Krupp, etc, etc. in postwar Germany.) In fact, if you really look into this business of war profits, you'll find something even more disgusting: the same companies provide the materiel and financing for both sides. Roosevelt was so angry about it when he discovered the treasonous actions of Prescott Bush and his friends that he suspended (some) of their operations and only stopped short of prosecuting the fat-cat's perfidy out of fear of creating panic and lowering morale among the troops. What about political conflicts and ethnic tensions as the causes of war, you might ask? Let's check with an authority on the subject:
"Of course the people don´t want war ...
But after all it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship...
Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger."
Hermann Goering, Nazi leader, at the Nuremberg Trials after World War II
Okay, what about the money to build heaven on earth--where's that going to come from, you might ask? "Where does it come from now?" I'd ask in reply.
Do you think "the markets" is some organic structure that represents actual wealth or production? Or that the banking system was put on earth by someone's God? It's a fiction, too. Absolutely, 100% arbitrary. If we wanted to, we could set up a system with a regulated, logical relationship between capital outflow, production of goods and services (which could include anything of intrinsic value, from replanting a hillside devastated by clear-cutting to working with the many damaged people suffering through life in this hellhole we've made on earth) and infrastructure needs. In a heartbeat we could set up such a system. Think of the change in people's attitudes if everyone loved their jobs, not just the ones with the corner office and the stock options.
Now, here's the rub--you knew it was too good to be true, right? We could change the world in the way I've mentioned here, but we'd have to change our governments to do it. Especially in the United States, where the concentration of the greatest wealth in the fewest hands is worse than anywhere else on earth. The income disparity in the US also points to a disparity in political power. Everyone knows the old adages: power is money, power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. In order to change the system, we'd have to make such major reforms that, while certainly doable, it would be paramount to organizing another constitutional convention. There were things that our founders never anticipated. Avarice and greed they were familiar with, but the kind of sick and perverted "democracy" we have now would make them run for the colonial privy to retch their guts out in disgust. The biggest enemy of democracy is secrecy.
Government by secrecy is taxation without representation. We started the War for Independence over precisely this issue. In our founder's time, a despotic, arrogant king (George, for you coincidentalists out there) and a disdainful parliament presumed to take taxes from us without giving us input or oversight in the management of government. Guess what? It's happened again.
But that's impossible, you say, we have elected officials who safeguard our freedoms while working within the framework of the constitution...what have you been smoking this morning? Safeguarding your freedoms?! Wait, I've got a better one: "...spreading democracy in the world..." Boy that one gets a lot of mileage! Ever heard it?
Of course you have (we're also very good at marketing phrases, provided they're devoid of meaning and/or only intended to move merchandise.) So, how come we don't mean it when we, as a nation, "say" something? Because "we as a nation" do not exist. It's a fiction. It's a well-known marketing fact (is there any other kind that matters any more?) that if you repeat something often enough, it's as good as true. Peeling the rubbery scales off of an oft-quoted phrase to reveal its scabrous underbelly is not as easy (or appetizing) as it sounds.
On the surface of things we have this "great country" bringing "democracy" to the world, right? Bullshit. The reality is that democracy is the very last thing we want, around the world and especially at home. Just look at our track record. In Iran, Guatemala, Chile, Nicaragua...the list goes on and on...we brought down democratically elected governments through assassination, kidnapping and torture and then installed repressive, right-wing dictatorships which we could then control. Anyone remember Patrice Lamumba? He was the Gandhi of the Congo, so we killed him, too.
Is anyone buying this Clash of Civilizations crap out there? How about the cartoon controversy? Did you also hear that the same right-wing Danish newspaper refused to publish a cartoon of Christ with fire-crackers in his crown of thorns standing in front of an abortion clinic because "the community might find it offensive"? Which community, you self-righteous bastard? Freedom of speech my digestive tract! So, just when you thought we had entered a modern era of diplomacy and democracy, we're back in the Dark Ages, off on another crusade.
It doesn't have to be this way. This sign held by
an Israeli Arab says, "We are all brothers, we will
not lose our lives in peace."
So why is this crisis being foisted upon us? Orwell, that brilliant, bitter oracle for our time laid down the roadmap to tyranny in the modern world. In order to control the population and crush any political opposition, you need to have a perpetual state of war. Think I'm just reading all this stuff into our current state of affairs? These bastards are so brazen they're even using Orwell's phraseology, or very near equivalents. Perpetual War is now The Long War. The Ministry of Truth is the Office of Strategic Information. Big Brother watching over you is Total Information Awareness, the agency that was so bold as to use the eye-in-the-pyramid symbol of secret societies everywhere as its logo.
Now, it's true that the modern office of Big Brother was "shut down" in 2003, mostly due to public outcry at the creepy logo (we don't have time/interest/intelligence to read words, but boy oh boy we know our logos!) However, surprise, surprise, it turns out that the people who set up TIA, Poindexter and Negroponte, the advocates for democracy who were convicted of lying to Congress in the Iran/Contra Hearings, pardoned by Poppy Bush (yes, the flower) and reinstalled in high office by Junior, just moved it underground with the rest of the secret apparatus of our real government.
And this is the reason that politics in America is a crock. What is the point of voting for the candidate of your choice when the CIA, or any of the 15-20 known clandestine organizations is just going to do whatever their bosses, whovever the hell they might be, tell them? It's secrecy and money which have turned this country into a despotic, empty-headed empire. I'll slow down a little to let this sink in: if things are done in secret, there's no oversight. Without oversight by elected representatives, it's not democracy. At present, even if there were oversight, it would be by professional prostitutes, not representatives of constituencies. In slow time: under the current "system," you can't get elected without big money from corporations. Therefore, if elected, you promptly spend your time whoring around for more money for your reelection, answering the demands of your paymasters and pretending to engage in the current political "debate" on behalf of your constituents.
There are a very few ethical politicians (Russ Feingold, the only one to fight the most un-American legislation ever passed, the Patriot Act, Cynthia McKinney, the only brave soul to question the farce that was 9/11 and who paid for it by being so viciously attacked by very big money groups that she lost a subsequent election, although, surprisingly enough, won her seat back again. One could add Representatives Waxman and Conyers, but they are effectively kept in the basement, so to speak, and then there's Ron Paul, but after that they're all pretty much whores, plain and simple.)
Now, it could be that if we were to somehow enact publicly financed campaigns, that is no money accepted from any donors, we might be able to have some semblance of representative government, but there would still be a few hurdles. (Publicly financed campaign laws, or "clean election" laws, as they are known, have been enacted in Maine, Vermont, Arizona, Massachusetts, New Mexico, and North Carolina to great effect, but also at great cost. Paul Wellstone was murdered shortly after introducing similar legislation in the Senate. He is sorely missed.) The monied interests will not let this kind of reform take root and, even if it were to, they have other tricks up their tentacle sleeves. Let's look at Diebold for a moment. They promised to deliver Bush the State of Ohio in 2004 and they kept their word. No paper trail, no investigation, not even from Kerry, Bush's erstwhile "opponent."
No, the only way to really force the bums out would be to demand disclosure of all our covert operations, well, since 1945 at least, and then start Truth and Reconciliation work, just like in South Africa and Chile. It's the only way to truly change--by first acknowledging our past. More on that next time. Remember, we are capable of much more than they keep telling us...
(I'm writing this piecemeal by attaching edits to a single existing post, since I haven't figured out how to post in chronological order here at Blogger, so keep looking "under" what you've already read, if anyone other than my good and loyal nephew is actually following these external introspections, for recent "posts".)
Okay, just a few more words about secrecy and then it's off to some more interesting stuff. If you were to look back at our history with anything approaching an open mind, you'd soon see that it's pretty vile. To be fair, most of all history is the story of people being obscenely unkind toward one another, it's just especially galling that we in the States have been brainwashed into believing that we were somehow different, that our "little experiment called democracy" sets us apart from the other murderous bastards. Dr. Goebbels knew differently, and so would you if you'd just stop and think about it for a moment. In what country was it said, "The only good injun is a dead one"? (Our genocide claimed 12,000,000 lives--how big was yours?) Where was it not a crime to kill, torture or rape a black person because they were property and therefore not really human? In what proud nation could you find signs (in all regions of the country, in the 20th century) which read, "No micks, colored or mexican need apply"? In the 1930's there were "sunset" laws in the North as well as the South which made it illegal for african-americans to remain within the city limits after dark. Jews were not admitted to many clubs and associations, and still aren't where their "betters" can get away with it. Final word on our proud heritage: pick up any high school history book and compare it side-by-side with Howard Zinn's A People's History of the United States. One of them is propaganda.
Still, our ideals are laudable; we just haven't been able to get beyond our bias and hatred enough to actually implement them.
Hello and how are you? This is a brief synopsis on how I understand our reality of the politics of immorality. Individuals who are strong mentally, individuals who are interested in understanding the laws of nature, and individuals who are interested in knowing the sphere of the Divine relying on textual criticism of ancient manuscripts, are more likely to benefit humanity as a whole. I know this is a very general example and I apply this broad sense to these three groups as a whole. As a whole if the people involved are honest and are not destructive in their self interest, we as a complicated community, enjoy the pleasures of life morally speaking. We are joyful and try to make the best of what life affords us.
The group of people who serve feeble-minded agendas that are harmful to their own individuality and drag most all others into a pit of horror with them is the group who eventually becomes the dominant one. Again I know this is rather general. So in contrast to the 3 sub groups being one there are also sub groups that make the destructive one into a union. I think that the study of human civilization proves this. The self defeating drag most all the others into a pit with them.
The movers and shakers of this world know this to be true. So they have chosen to be the masters instead of feeble cliff divers. They refuse to go into the pits of despair by the only way they know how. Getting others to go into them. The reasoning can be as simple as if I do not do this then someone else will. If someone else gets us to jump then the odds of my loved ones and me going into this pit increase. They can amazingly manipulate the masses to go in a direction that is destructive and limiting. Often with much bloodshed and oppression.
I agree with the wisdom that it is better to have never been born than to see and experience this truth on our planet. This inevitable victory of feeble-minded obedience over the 3 sub groups who benefit the world is depressing. But I choose to be in good spirits like so many others as best as I can.
The masters of secret societies know that this is our final accomplishment as a whole community. Self-defeating misery, pain, and failure are what all the generations of earth have trusted upon with our reliance on our capacity to reason. Human reasoning eventually fails us in our quest to benefit humanity. This is not entirely how I accept reality but how I understand the higher positioned elites do. But I think that our reluctance to acknowledge this makes it the more inevitable.
They are not innocent. They brilliantly get the general population to jump into the pits they have dug. Whomever does the digging. If greatness emerges, morality benefits, intelligence leads, the victory of humanity lies in our inability to overcome the finality of stupidity as a whole and soar humbly into the world alive with bliss because of our own good works. This side by side with the screams of the oppressed of our planet.
Ah, but you (and many others) have seen the mirage for what it is--the truth shall set you free, just not at the time & place of your choosing. There has also been brewing another undercurrent, similar to your quiet study of the ancient texts, but different in that it results in an sudden, almost unbidden explosion of consciousness, a truly cosmic consciousness, which will one day become the norm rather than the rare exception among humans that it is now.
Richard Bucke, writing about the cosmic consciousness in 1902, said that it was our evolutionary destiny, the irrefutable, unblockable salvation of mankind. Let it be so.
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