tiistaina, maaliskuuta 14, 2006

Eureka! Congress is Possessed (by the Echoes of its Doppelgänger!!)

Look no further, I've been struck in the head by the brick of insight: whereas all my internet brethren have been flabbergasted by the spinelessness of the alleged "opposition" party in their inscrutable non-reaction to the open perfidy of our pugnacious president and his reptilian cabal, as seen in the unapologetic abandonment of the quixotic Feingold in his recent censure motion, I just realized what's really going on here. Since life in these decidedly anti-Homo Homogenized States has been shown to imitate what passes for Art (The Price is Right?) it is there, in the world of counterfeit reality, that we must look for explications of the inexplicable. Specifically, I would posit John C. Wright as the oracle of this Dumbfounded Age, and not just because I like to read his books, which I certainly do. In the two-book series Mists of Everness and Last Guardian of Everness, Wright reveals, one would hope unintentionally, the fiendish plot concocted by dark agents of the mythic past to take control of the world by first bending the organs of American Democracy to their will. They do this by unleashing the Selkie, seal-like demons of the rancid deep who tend to speak in Pirate-ese, from their "encounters" with sailors over the centuries, on the already compromised, alright, open whores in Congress, who are easy prey due to their obvious lack of principles.
In a really creepy allegory of possession, the congressional sluts are sort of slit up the middle, their rotten entrails disengorged, and the Selkies "climb" in, generally avoiding detection except by those willing to entertain strange thoughts...In the great climactic scene (no, I won't give everything away) where the good guys take back Congress and unseat, literally, the pseudo-president, the deflated skins of the former congresspersons slide off the seal-body things onto the floors of the House and Senate, leaving the revealed Selkies barking and flapping their flippers most repulsively.

This explanation leaped to my mind yesterday as I watched Arlen Specter interrupting the Feingold-Hero like the crooked small town mayor in innumerable B-Horror movies--I could have sworn I saw his skin slip, sagging in a strange and unnatural way (I know the man's gravely ill, but if he's going to act like a demon-possessed agent of the Dark Side screw him, he's fair game.) Another interesting parallel between Wright's allegory and the "real" world is the significance cast on the necessity of those who've sworn to uphold the Constitution being made to defile it with bodily fluids or vile imprecations before they can participate in the sinister conspiracy--it makes you wonder what the Lizards made their accomplices do in all those acronymically known organizations (you know, CIA-FBI-NSA-FAA-NORAD, etc) before they could launch Operation Prison Planet...The only questions left are:

a.) who's going to save us?

b.) how do we unzip the Selkies in the Hall of Mirrors?

c.) how did Wright figure all this out, or was he doing it in the time-honored tradition of Samuel Coleridge, by ingesting laudanum before sitting down to write?